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Top tips to use JavaScript effectively for web development

JavaScript is an extremely versatile programming language that is known by professional programmers all over the globe. With the fast paced changes taking place in the field of technology and old techniques getting fast obsolete, it is important that you learn certain easy tips and tricks to ensure that the performance of your website is boosted. You may have developed the perfect concept and transformed it into a stunning JavaScript web application. However, if its speed and performance factors are having you worried, you must probably try to go back to your JavaScript programming to look for any performance errors that you may have made. There is a possibility that you may be making use of certain JavaScript features quite liberally than you should leading to performance issues in the web application.  Whether you are a professional at a web development company in Mumbai or a freelancer just starting out, these tips will ensure that you use JavaScript to the best of its ability to keep your website or web applications running smoothly and efficiently.

1.) Keep the use of arrays to a minimum:

There is every possibility that you may be tempted to use this function of JavaScript, however, you must not rule out the fact that this will slow down your website miserably. To put it simply, the array lookup slows down when you try to use array to a great extent. Therefore, for every time you dig an array, the operation slows down by one, eventually leading to an immensely slow speed of the operation.

2.) Always define local variables first:

Every time a variable is mentioned, the first thing that JavaScript does is look into the scope chain. A scope chain is a dynamic element and it contains all the possible variables. However, this scope chain contains these variables not only in its present scope but also in the available browsers. Besides, both the global variables and the local variables form part of this scope chain.

Therefore, every time a variable is looked into the scope chain, the engine goes through both the local and the global variables. This can result in lengthened time for execution of the operation, thus slowing down your website or your web application. As a rule of thumb, the engine first looks into the local variables and then finds its way to the global variables. Besides, it goes without saying that the local variables are extremely quick to look into as compared to global variables and therefore, it is always a wise option to transform your global variables into local ones for faster operation.

3.) Choose literal values and variables over arrays and object properties:

If you are a professional web developer working at a web development company in Mumbai, you will be aware of the four main components that make up JavaScript and its operations. As a rule of thumb, you must always make generous use of variables and literal values while programming because of their ability to perform operations faster.

However, this does not mean that you do not make use of arrays and object properties ever. Nonetheless, you must ensure that when you do make use of these properties, you must also include a variable for an instant uplift in the performance of your web application.

4.) Never change the CSS Styles:

Usually, web developers refrain from changing the CSS styles and prefer to stick to changing the CSS class instead. The main reason for doing this is the problem of reflow. When you change the CSS style, including the size, font, height and the likes, there is a greater chance of reflow. It cannot be denied that reflow does occur in classes as well; however, its magnitude is much lesser.

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