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The importance of monitoring emails for your business

For a business to run successfully it is important have the email systems configured properly to ensure that you can always communicate with your associates and your customers, a proper email system monitoring ensures errorless functioning of your email system. This is where the service of email monitoring service comes in. The best email monitoring services provide you track the delivery of emails to the high ISPs. The statics provided by the service even shows, which mails went into the inbox and which ones were spammed.

How the email monitoring works

In today’s e-commerce era, the services of an email monitoring are very important. An email monitoring service provider connects to the outgoing (SMTP) mailing server, sends a test message, and then connects and logs into your inbound POP3 or IMAP server and retrieves the message. If the test is positive, the message is deleted from the email system. If a message is not retrieved, then alerts are triggered and sent to the required email contacts. The alert indicates at the time, and the stage the test failed, so now the troubleshooting is performed in the least possible time. The services eliminate the risk of delay, loss, and failure of email communication with associates and customers.

Features of email monitoring service

The service requires the least amount investment at the start as there is no costly investment of an IT software. The service also remotely monitors emails round the clock. The service supports all the SSL protocols like POP3S, SMTP and IMAP. The email system monitoring service supports primary as well as secondary SMTP server configuration. They provide immediate fault or error detection and verify it through different stages. It schedules email system maintenance. Their service also provides daily and monthly reports on the performance of the mailing system. Additionally there is the 24×7 customer support through email and phone.

Benefits of email monitoring service

The email system maintenance service provides instant alerts when the mailing system is down and when problems are detected and helps in reducing the downtime by a lot. The service helps to determine the problems with the systems easily. It intensely reduces the time for troubleshooting. It minimizes IT costs. They provide a sample overview to identify the errors and bottlenecks in the mailing system and fix them. Most importantly it ensures that the communication experience with customers and associates are not hampered. Additionally it eliminates the risk of loss of credibility and revenue.

An email system monitoring service is a cost effective solution to the most critical e-commerce email problems. They provide the important service of protecting your valuable emails as also ensures hassle free operations of the email system round the clock.

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