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Everything You Need to Know About Angular JS for SEO

A website, which is created with Angular JS, loads each of its content on a single page. However, its template does not change, only the copy reloads for displaying the information as requested by a visitor. Angular JS is a unique and dynamic platform that provides dynamic functionality not only to extend HTML but also to improve the user experience of a website by creating SPAs (short for single-page applications).


What is Angular JS?

Angular JS is like other javascript-based web platforms, including Ember and Backbone. This is because it loads up data asynchronously to the browser. It carries out its functions on the client-side as the user connects with diverse components of the web page.

What started as a project in Google has now been transformed into one of the most popular open-source JS frameworks. Angular JS can change basic static HTML to dynamic HTML by adding built-in attitudes as well as elements. Some of the well-known websites built with Angular JS include

This platform from Google enables loading content from a single page, as mentioned above. However, it can sound a bit unfathomable to all those who are not accustomed to coding and web technologies. So, why not segregate it to understand the concept better?

JavaScript-based Platform

It is used to build websites with code. There are three important languages that are used in the process, including:

  1. HTML – It defines the content on the page.
  2. CSS – It is used to style and position the content and other elements on the page.
  3. JavaScript – It is a programming language that is used for the personification of the interactive experience on the website.

Many websites rely on and utilize JavaScript, and for good reasons. The code is simple to re-use compared to a standard HTML or CSS pages. Mainly focusing on the user experience (UX) increasing over the past few years, JavaScript can do wonders to your website.

Its functionality can transform your website into exciting from uninteresting with different layers of functionality. These include interactive banners, a zoom option for product visuals, or opportunities to display image carousels. Not only is JavaScript easier to scale, but it also allows webmasters to add enhanced experiences at a quick pace.

Why Should You Use Angular JS?

Creating websites with the Angular framework provides you with three great benefits, including:

  1. Since there’s no need to load a new HTML code every time, content loads more rapidly on a single page application.
  2. Another main benefit of using Angular JS is that it accelerates the development process. A developer has to create only one page, but they take control of the remaining pages with JavaScript subsequently.
  3. There are times when developers make a small number of mistakes. As a result, not many users run into problems when they are browsing the website. So, the technical team does not have to spend much time revisiting their code to resolve problems. Thus, it results in a win-win situation for everyone.

Unfortunately, Angular JS poses significant challenges for SEO.

Why is Angular JS So Amazing?

Angular is a Google created JavaScript-based web application framework where all of its tools were created in an interrelated way.

Let’s find out why Angular is better than any other platform available.

The Angular platform undoubtedly does a great job when it comes to developing dynamic web pages, which users can interact with in real-time. An SPA is highly effective at reducing bounce rate and keeping visitors stay on the website for an extended period of time, which can lead to increased conversions. This framework is very efficient in situations where a variety of data, images, or other components need to change swiftly within the web page.

An example of this would be a clothing retail website where Angular JS could have a great impact on user experience.

When you use static HTML or a standard template-driven dynamic website, it would necessitate serving a different web page or even reloading the content of that specific page to render each option. With a dynamic platform called ‘Angular JS’, all of these options can be preloaded, with ng-show and ng-hide. This way, it gives the customer the ability to change the visual representation by hovering the mouse over each option.

What are SEO Problems with Angular JS Framework?

There is no question that Angular website gives a wonderful user experience and it is easier to develop, which is why Angular SEO is required for site indexing on search engines. However, it has some problems, including:

This is the reason why Angular and SEO do not go hand in hand.

How Can You Overcome SEO Problems With Angular JS?

To make sure the content and elements of the page in the source code will be indexed perfectly, search engines still need to see them. One of the most comprehensive solutions is to use a pre-rendering platform. It signifies creating an HTML code that will be served in the source code. This will lower the dependency on search engine like Google to be able to render your Angular web pages correctly.

Make sure you check the rendering of your web pages.

Listed below are some effective steps that can help.

  1. Browseo: It is a fantastic tool that renders the page elements. As well, it lists out the total number of words, internal and external links, and crucial <head> content, including Meta description, keywords, etc.
  2. Fetch as Google: From search console, you can run any page on your site to check what Google sees.

It can be challenging for an SEO (search engine optimization) strategy and might end up impacting organic search traffic, albeit this JavaScript-based web application framework can prove to be beneficial for user interaction and much-improved conversation rates.

If you would like to know more about Angular JS for SEO or are looking to get your project started, reach out to Ginger Domain at +91 – 9320992214 / 9322105029, or drop us an email at

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