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Website Tip: Treat Every Page of Your Website as the Home Page

Everybody knows the importance of making a positive first impression, but if you assume prospective customers first encounter your website through its homepage, think again. Natural search results drive users to individual pages that best match each user’s search query, and often that page is not your site’s homepage. They land on a page for a specific product or service, the About page, a page for a blog entry or even the Terms & Conditions page. Unfortunately, most business owners and marketing managers focus 90 percent of their attention and resources on designing a stunning homepage and treat the other pages as an afterthought. Don’t make this mistake. Give every page the same care and attention you devote to your site’s homepage.

Check your website’s analytics to identify where visitors most frequently enter your site, and ask yourself whether each page channels visitors to the information you want them to see and to the actions you want them to take. If any one of these pages fails to support your business-related goals, it’s time to make some changes. If you are unsure of your site’s purpose, this is the first issue to tackle. You should have a clear purpose for your site before you build it, but if you skipped that step, formulate a purpose now.

Every page, not only the homepage, should communicate your site’s purpose and steer visitors to the desired call to action. If you built the site to sell products online, every page should direct traffic to product pages. If the site’s purpose is to encourage visitors to call in for an estimate, every page should include a phone number. Remember that with the long-tail nature of search, you never know which door a customer is likely to walk through when entering your site. Make sure every entrance offers a greeting, projects an air of professionalism, presents relevant content and actively serves your purpose for building and maintaining the site in the first place. At Ginger Domain, we can provide you with website solutions that can help you meet your goals to create a collection of webpages that can increase the visibility of your products, services and brands. Visit our website at for more details on the various web development tools and services that we can provide for you, to help satisfy your web requirements.

Source: Entrepreneur Magazine – February 2011 (By Mikal E. Belicove)

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