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The Importance of Customizing Your Facebook Fan Page

Facebook has truly altered the way we communicate both personally and professionally. Many businesses are adopting the mantra of creating Facebook Pages, unique to their products and services. A Facebook Page displays information about a business and is shared with Facebook users and the public. Here are some reasons it’s important to create a customized Facebook Fan Page:

Brand Identification

Since Facebook utilizes a generic look and feel across all Profiles, Groups, Communities and Pages, it’s important to make your business Fan Page stand out among the masses. You can create a unique landing page and tabs associated with your business. A landing page, or more commonly called a “welcome” page, is the first page people see when they land on your Fan Page. Think of the Facebook landing page as your website’s homepage. It not only showcases your brand, invites viewers into the site, but is also used as a primary tool for capturing leads. The same rules apply here with your Fan Page. It’s important to represent your brand the same across all mediums, as you would for traditional marketing elements. This includes consistency of brand styles and colors as well as messaging. It’s also important to note that you can change your default landing page within your account management settings.


Having a Fan Page for your business is critical when it comes to engaging with your Fans and more importantly, your customers and prospects. By interacting and speaking to your Fans by making personalized comments, providing quick responses and posing questions means that you care about your customers and value their opinions. Creating unique pages allows you to further engage with your target audience. For instance, maybe you want to serve as an authority in your industry, so you create a custom “Ask an Expert” page. In doing so, you are opening the communications lines, further inviting Fans to ask you specific product or services questions so you can provide well-rounded, educated answer. By engaging you can also obtain Fan thoughts on your products and services, even before they launch!

Showcase Current Products, Services, and Promotions

Utilize additional tabs on your Facebook Fan Page to generate buzz around breaking news, such as a release of a new product or service and/or special promotions. This is a great way to establish awareness among your audience, as well as drive them to your website for more information or to make purchases if you’re an e-commerce business.

Capture Fans and Leads

To truly leverage your Facebook efforts, you will want a custom landing page created so Fans are encouraged to “like” your page, allowing them to see the reminder of content supplied. However, getting even more intuitive is key. Not only are you able to capture them as Fans, but it serves as an open platform to obtain email address, serving as a second outlet for lead generation. This is usually done best when you offer something of interest to your audience. Perhaps a contest, a free product or service, a coupon, etc. may be offered.

As with any marketing collateral, the main reason for having a customized Facebook Fan Page is to ultimately drive web traffic, add value to your online marketing presence and increase sales.

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