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How To Enhance Value Of Email MarketIng – Part 2

In continuing with our multi-part post on email marketing, we will address another  aspect that is extremely logical, simple and easy to think of, yet most organizations fail to keep in mind when using email marketing.

Lesson 2:

Do: Qualify the e-mail addresses and information about the people and the organizations they represent.

Don’t: Carpet e-mail blast every address in your database.

The experts could not emphasize enough the importance of a targeted database with accurate information.  If a customer lives on the 5th floor of an apartment block, and if the customer gets an e-mail offering a $50 discount off on lawnmowers; its bound to upset them. They are not the target customer for this product and would not respond effectively to your campaign.Its all down to accurate targeting and segmentation.

If the segmentation is done correctly there is a Higher probability of getting more positive response to your marketing effort. Stay tuned for more interesting lessons on email marketing in the next few days. Thanks for reading and learning with Ginger Domain.

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